Thursday, 30 August 2007

Good Job!

Funny how my best theories come when i'm talking to mom......
See, we were talking about karma, rather SHE was talking about karma....
i was wondering if kids who obeyed their parents got further in life, were more successful and generally happier than kids who didn't....and she said yeah! Its because of the karma!
so then i grumbled about karma and if you do a good deed with ulterior motives you couldn't possibly get good karma but she said you could because a good deed is a good deed either way.

[Note here: My mom and me are like a sine curve superimposed on a cos curve, that is to say we have widely opposite beliefs intersecting at a few points. The intersections i cannot recall, the opposites mostly concern things like religion, premarital sex, morals, monogamy and relationships.]

so then she said doctors take money for practice but still get karma. personally i think if they practised for free they'd be out on the streets....
Anyway, the idea struck me, whatever you do, whatever goddamned crap job you're doing, its doing someone some good.
Doctors, engineers, etc...thats obvious....
Advertising? Helps out companies....
Ah. Prostituion. Now, with my warped mind, i could argue that prostitution does a lot of good to desperate pervs who have commitment problems...also to married men who're sick of their wives....
i think.
So do prostitutes get good karma? hmmm that's a tough one....
Answer me that one.....
The Myst fades out....


myplanetmyrules said...

do whores get karma? hmm its funny how you pick on something like prostitution in such a daft manner ....maybe they do it cos their own husbands gamble away what little money they make or maybe they drink and beat up the "pervert pleasers" and maybe the whores need the money to stand up to those sorry excuses for men by selling themselves and support their seven children and pass three of them off as boys to save them from female infanticide... maybe no one gives a flying fuck about beautiful bullshit like karma or what the next life holds for them when this life needs to be pulled out of the gutter and set straight.

VenkyMarg said...

Dude... u tlak to ur mom... abt all the stuff u wrote there..?? seriousy..?? ok u should change it ot "WierdSpeak" Or maybe Ur mom has been watching too much of "My Name Is Earl".
Oww ya abt the no psts on the blog... recent events have left me ntn to write although ur on roll!! keep goin itss not so bad after all...

Mystique said...

yea sahej i know about all that n more....but that wasn't my point here...
venky...yea, i talk to my mom about pretty much helps, y'know....

Mystique said...

ok, ok i cant leave it at that, can i?
i was talking about karma here, not prostitutes, so i just put it there from the karma view.
what you say is absolutely right....
but really, its sad that in times of need, people have nothing to sell/do but themselves...i mean...oh forget it.